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  • How to Warp a Multi-shaft Loom - Explore 3 ways of Warping

How to Warp a Multi-shaft Loom - Explore 3 ways of Warping

  • February 22, 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Scott Manor House


Registration is closed

Is dressing your loom your least favourite part of weaving?  A necessary evil to get to the fun part of actually weaving?  Often the idea of preparing your loom to weave can be somewhat off-putting. Maybe we can help make this journey to a smooth and evenly tensioned warp more efficient and less painful.  There is no one right way to warp a loom. Join Fran Nowakowski, April MacLean, and Jess Baikie as they demonstrate different methods of warping and packing a warp.

In addition to the tips the leaders will share during the demonstrations, participants are invited to share tips they have learned along the way.  While this isn’t a comprehensive weaving course, you will go home with lots of ideas to speed you on your way to warping the fabric of your dreams.  

Max number of participants:  20

Cost: $6/ person*
Materials: Bring a notepad and pen/pencil if you want to take notes

Coffee and Tea are available on site, but please remember to bring your lunch.

If you have any questions about the hands-on, contact Lorna Ash at 902-240-7479

* Please note that the registration fee is non-refundable. If participants cancel or no show, they forfeit the registration fee. If ASH cancels or postpones the workshop, the workshop fee will be applied as a credit on participants accounts for future workshops.

Atlantic Spinners & Handweavers, c/o Scott Manor House,
15 Fort Sackville Road, Bedford, NS B4A 2G6

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