
Handwoven Magazine - excellent magazine that has recently been taken over by Long Thread Media. It has lots of weaving projects, hints and great pictures of handwovens.
Ply Magazine - a magazine about spinning
Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot - magazine of the Handweavers Guild of America which includes interesting articles on a variety of fibre arts topics.
Spin Off
The Weave Shed -The Weave Shed is a resource site, providing a portal to available weave resources on one site alongside an active blog featuring weave-related stories, news, up and coming events, jobs, paid internships and featured weavers.
Weavzine - Online weaving magazine. It is no longer updated, but the articles are an excellent resource.

Atlantic Spinners & Handweavers, c/o Scott Manor House,
15 Fort Sackville Road, Bedford, NS B4A 2G6

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