Weaving equipment

 All items can be rented for 2 months by guild members. Members must log in and go to rental section.

 Floor loom - 36"

 Table Loom - 24"

 Table Loom - 18"

 Rigid Heddle Loom - 16"

 Rigid Heddle Loom


 Inkle Loom

 Inkle Loom

 Tapestry Looms

 Warping Board

Reeds - 16" and 20"

 Miscellaneous tools

Spinning Equipment

 All items can be rented for 2 months by guild members. Members must log in and go to rental section.

 Spinning wheel

 Spinning wheel

 Drop spindles

 Niddy noddys

 Wool combs

 Hand carders

 Carder - coarse

 Carder - coarse

 Carder - wild

 Carder - fine

 Carder- fine

Blending board

Atlantic Spinners & Handweavers, c/o Scott Manor House,
15 Fort Sackville Road, Bedford, NS B4A 2G6

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