Uniformity of spinning: consistency, textural control, design fellow-through
Diameter of yarn(s): singles, plies, textural
Suitability of chosen fibres to stated end use (e.g. Merino for apparel not upholstery)
Suitability of mixing, plying or blending of differing fibres to end product usage
Yarn Finishing: twist set, washing & rinsing, fulling or felting
Evaluation criteria for articles using handspun:
Suitability of fibre for purpose, eg. coarse, hairy yams generally reserved for outer wear.
Handspun yarn, especially textured and novelties, should be suited to stitch pattern and needle size used
Handspun yams must be durable, maintain shape and drape of the article
When used in combination with commercial yarns, handspun should be compatible and enhance product. When mixing handspun and commercial yarn, handspun should comprise at least 50% of the article
Commercial findings (buttons, zippers, etc) should be appropriate to product
Direction of twist should be suited to technique chosen
Atlantic Spinners & Handweavers, c/o Scott Manor House,
15 Fort Sackville Road, Bedford, NS B4A 2G6