Join Donna Haverstock for a fun introduction to rigid heddle weaving in February's hands on workshop. In this workshop participants will be walked through how Donna warps a rigid heddle loom, how to hem stitch a project to prevent unraveling, the basics of weaving and how to switch colours. Participants will each be weaving a cotton dish cloth.
UPDATE Feb. 21st: Registration for the pre-warped looms is now FULL.
Registration remains open for those who can bring their own pre-warped loom.
If you are bringing your own rigid heddle loom, already pre-warped for the class, please select the “I’m bringing my own warped loom” ticket option. Please note that if you register after February 20th, you will have to warp it on your own prior to the class. You will not have time during the class to warp your loom and do the class project.
Materials will be provided
Fee: $10 per registrant. Max registration: 8 - 3 participants on Donna's looms, 5 participants bringing their own.
Coffee and tea will be available on site, but please remember to bring your lunch.
Atlantic Spinners & Handweavers, c/o Scott Manor House, 15 Fort Sackville Road, Bedford, NS B4A 2G6