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  • Guild Meeting & Sale

Guild Meeting & Sale

  • April 13, 2024
  • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Scott Manor House, Bedford [+Zoom]
  • Business meeting
  • Show and Tell
Zoom Link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86045895840?pwd=OHpMbkRxeExjeFdTa1cwK25OV0NKdz09

Program:  ASH Guild Destash Sale

HOW: Members are allowed to sell any used items such as fibre, tools, books, and miscellaneous items. 

1. Items are to be dropped off at Scott Manor House on Friday, April 12 between 4:00 pm and 6: pm. Out-of-town members may bring items the morning of the sale between 8:45 am and 9:30 am. If either of these times is impossible, please contact Ruth at 902-473-9841for possible early drop-off.

2. Each member who wishes to have items sold must print off and use the attached ASH Sale Inventory list and the ASH Price Tags. page. Please individually price each item in the sale and also enter the item on your inventory list. Price tags may be attached to items with whatever works best for the item-tape, paperclips, hang tag. If items are too large to transport to Scott Manor House, members are encouraged to bring posters with photos so that buyers are aware of the items.

3. Keep a copy of the Inventory List for yourself and give another copy to the sales people who will record the sale in order to reimburse the seller in the week following the sale.

4. Unsold items are to be picked up by the seller between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm at the end of the sale. If this is impossible, prior arrangements should be made by calling Ruth at 902-473-9841.

5. For buyers, we are accepting cash, etransfer and (hopefully) credit/debit sales.

WHO: We are looking for volunteers to help set up, "man" the cash, and clean up at the end of the sale. Please contact anyone on the program committee to volunteer. 


ASH Sale Inventory

ASH price tags

Atlantic Spinners & Handweavers, c/o Scott Manor House,
15 Fort Sackville Road, Bedford, NS B4A 2G6

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